Compensação Ambiental para Venda, Porto Alegre / RS
Ref: 2021280, bairro carbon credit; Greenhouse gases; ESG; ASG; Atmospheric emissions; environmental catastrophes; Extreme weather events; Su, área total 5.109,00 AcresCompartilhar:
R$ 25
Descrição do Imóvel
Carbon credits for sale on the voluntary market
There are 5,109 carbon credits generated in native vegetation areas owned by Vertal Imóveis and are now for sale on the voluntary carbon market for R$25.00.
If you are interested in purchasing Carbon Credits, carrying out your Greenhouse Gas Emissions inventory, or generating your credits for sale or neutralizing your carbon emissions, contact the Vertal team.
ASSET GENERATED: Verified Carbon Credit (tCO2e).
ACTIVITY: Avoided Planned Deforestation (APD) through preservation of standing native forest.
TYPE: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU).
CATEGORY: (REDD+) - Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, including conservation and increase of carbon stocks through Avoided Planned Deforestation (APD).
VINTAGE (BASE YEAR): 02/05/2023 to 03/05/2024.
QUANTITY: 2,745 (Vertal I) and 2,364 (Vertal II) = 5,109 credits
VALUE: Each carbon credit corresponds today to the value of (25.00);
LOCATION: Municipality of Alecrim, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
GEOGRAPHICAL COORDINATES: La t: 27°40'34.01" S / Long: 54°49'37.38" W; and La t: 27°42'34.11" S / Long: 54°48'03.69" W
Central de Negócios
Para ter mais informações sobre este imóvel ligue:
Vertal Imóveis
Rodovia RS 344, Km 39 n°1100 - Campus Unijuí - Sala A315
Santa Rosa / RS
(55) 99622-0277
CRECI: e 26033 J e 63572 F